Hi, I’m Chris Bennett

With over 15 years of sobriety from multiple sexual addictions, I have found that it isn’t just one thing that has helped me find so much sobriety, it is a summary of choices made every day to be sober, remain sober, live a life of recovery and adventure, and to fight for my heart.

I have been passionate about helping men in addiction recovery for over 12 years. I have coached and mentored many men to find recovery, sobriety, and their hearts.


Hiking has become one of my greatest recovery tools. I hike over 400 miles a year. I get up around 5:00-5:30 am and hit the hills early so I can be to the office between 8:30-9:00. This does so much for my heart, mind, and spirit. It allows me to connect with men, with God, and allows my heart and mind to be as one. As soon as I step onto the trails, I feel alive. All my worries, fears, doubts, disappointments, and stresses in life disappear. This allows me to have a clear mindset to make better decisions throughout the day. There isn’t a better way to start my day than connecting in the mountains. As I see the sunrise coming over the mountains and see the skies and mountainscapes be painted with vibrant colors, it warms my heart and I can always find myself feeling fully alive in those moments.

A Warrior Heart Boot Camp

This was one of the most life-changing events in my life. This is a 3-day weekend all about your connection with God. It teaches you how to be the men we are supposed to be, how to fight for our wife’s hearts, our kids’ hearts, and most importantly, our own hearts. This is non-denominational as we keep Al religion out of it because it isn’t about religion at all. It is about creating intimacy and connection with God like you may not have ever experienced before.

My first Boot Camp was June 2009 and it completely changed me as a man, a husband, a father and a warrior. It helped see myself as God sees me. It was so impactful that I knew this was a message I needed to be a part of. So I started doing their marketing for them. Then I became the Prayer Team Lead, joined the Speaking Team, then became a member of the Board. I have not missed a Boot Camp since as this has become part of who I am and what I do. I love helping men come to know and understand the love God has for them and completely change their lives.

Warrior Heart currently has three flagship Boot Camps in Utah each year. We also do satellite Boot Camps in Alaska, Idaho, Arizona, and more coming soon.


Unashamed Unafraid

I am the Co-Host of an amazing podcast called Unashamed Unafraid. It is a movement about changing how sexual addiction is viewed. We have men and women who have struggled with sexually compulsive behaviors come on and share their stories. Sometimes their spouses will come on too. We also bring on therapists, coaches, and professionals who will tackle specific subjects we ask them to like shame, disclosure, codependency, and many more. You can listen to the details of my story in Episode 33 on any podcast platform. We were originally one of the very first recordings, but the audio wasn’t very good as we just recorded on a laptop with no mics. So we had to create a new one. We have been doing the podcast since 2016.
